Monday, September 1, 2014

The Writing Lover

Once upon a time, there was a writer. This writer wanted to do nothing but write. Sadly, as a college student, this writer needed to make money. After searching for inspiration online, she stumbled across 5 Jobs for Writers. All of which seemed rather easy to jump right into! Then the application process started and websites requested resumes and background experience: all sorts of fancy stuff like that. Discouraged by the fact that she had no experience outside of classes, she decided to read her friend's blog to see if she had updated with any posts. And she had! The wheels started churning as she realized she had absolutely no excuse for not having a blog. In high school she had started one and kept up on it for a good year before she got bored with it and lost all motivation. Those were the days she would write everyday. Those were the days when a career in writing didn't seem so daunting. As an English major, it only makes sense to be exploring all aspects of the word, whether that is reading Old English British Literature (for a class, of course. Nobody does that for fun.) or writing creatively to keep the brain refreshed.
Well, those are all of my thoughts for now. I need to go feed my horses!
Hasta Luego!

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