Tuesday, May 10, 2016

13 Stereotypes of College Rodeo Kids

Hey ya'll!
I've been writing on the stereotypes of the rodeo collective. Here's an excerpt:

"1. We’re rich.

People always look at me and say "Oh, your family must be *insert lucrative profession here*." I smirk and say, "Nope!" They stare at me wondering how to phrase the next question best. “You must have a lot of money, huh?” I smile and in a sing-songy voice say, “Just because we spend a lot of money, doesn’t mean we have a lot of money.” And with a flip of my hair —t hat is, if I wasn’t wearing a ball cap to mask the fact that I hadn’t showered and had just finished chasing a pen of steers — I stride away."

To read more click below!

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