Monday, May 16, 2016

The debacle of moving is always an interesting one.. It’s the moment where I wonder how I accumulated so much stuff.. After all, "that's the meaning of life—trying to find a place for our stuff" or so George Carlin says. Funny how "a house is just a place to keep your stuff while you go out and get more stuff." Here's to those college kids packing up and moving out! 

"I hate moving and the sad truth of it is I have a long road of it ahead. I’m still in college and I can say with certainty that this free spirit is not settling down her roots anytime soon. Luckily I drive a pick up, but it’s a downsize for me compared to the F350 and the Suburban I drove in the past. Plus, it seems I only accumulate stuff. As I pull the clothes out of my drawers and notice the haven't-been-worn smell filling the room I wonder, "Should I do laundry? Nah. I’m taking it to moms."'

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